Matching Wood Slabs

Our Matching Wood Slabs are produced from large logs in New England. We have these slabs in White Pine, Larch, Douglas Fir, White Oak, Cherry and Walnut. They are available in custom thicknesses. Each consecutive plank in every log set is identified and kept in sequence. This is the way we insure that color and grain matching is preserved. With these materials we can match any wood product. Kitchen cabinets can be made from a single log set. Countertops can be made from a single plank. Furniture can be made from impressive wide, color matched boards. The harvest table in your kitchen can even have a one or two plank top. We can create color matched engineered wide plank floors for your whole house from a only one log set! Log sets are one of our signature products. Marvelous interiors can be created using this unique resource.