The American Chestnut was preferred for log cabin foundations, fence posts, flooring, and caskets. Railroad ties, telephone, and telegraph poles were later made of chestnut as well. Many of these are still in use today. At one time, American Chestnut dominated a significant part of the eastern U.S. forest. American Chestnut grew rapidly and to huge sizes. It was often an impressive feature of both urban and rural landscapes. This amazing wood was straight grained and it did not rot. It was perfect for furniture as well as fencing and all types of other building materials. 

American Chestnut was an important part of rural economies everywhere it grew. Hogs and cattle were fattened for market with chestnuts. Late 19th century newspapers even featured special articles about “railroad cars overflowing with chestnuts to be sold fresh or roasted” in major cities.

Today, American Chestnut is only available as the reclaimed specie we call “Wormy Chestnut”. It is pictured at rhe right.